scholar | activist | consultant | speaker | poet

scholar | activist | consultant | speaker | poet


I'm Elita (they), a practitioner-activist with a 9-year background in counseling, education, and leadership. I am an unambiguously Black, queer, and trans nonbinary person, born and raised on the stolen land of the Huichin-Ohlone people, colonially known as the East Bay Area of California. I have two Master's degrees in counseling psychology and cultural studies, and a Ph.D. in Urban Education Leadership, researching anti-Blackness and the school-to-death nexus.

I have professionally consulted organizations, programs, and individuals on critical social justice dialogues since 2017. My goal is to disrupt oppressive institutions by supporting student activism, abolitionist social change, and fostering liberatory spaces for professionals and practitioners.

My work centers on youth leadership, systems of domination/oppression 101, anti-oppressive therapeutic practices, abolitionist social change, and libratory education leadership and pedagogical development.  

I'm passionate about co-creating intentional healing communities and collective power by:

  1. centering intergenerational dialogues,

  2. holding folks capable, and

  3. providing critical mentoring for radical inquiry and introspection.  

the work

organizations i’ve recently worked with

collection of logos. AMI Kids, Aim High, MENTOR CA, YMAN, CGU, USFCA, SF State, AMSA, CSU Fresno, Big Brother Big Sister, University of La Verne, and Tan Weddings and Events.